What Are Cholesterol Spots ?
What are they and why have I got them ?
What Are Cholesterol Spots And How To Treat Them ?
Xanthelasma, which is the medical name for Cholesterol spots on the eyelids, is a condition in which fatty compounds build up in the blood due to high levels of ‘bad’ fats such as cholesterol and triglycerides, for the most part. They form usually from a lipid protein condition, affecting the cholesterol levels in your body. There are good and bad cholesterol residing in your body and when the bad cholesterol gets out of control, it typically produces Cholesterol spots.
When you hear about cholesterol deposits, you might think they have something to do with the heart or arteries, as we are conditioned to think of bad cholesterol exclusively affecting our heart and arteries. Whilst they can be associated with arterial and cardiac conditions, they can also manifest through other health issues and for some unlucky soles, they can just appear for no reason at all.
The plaques are comprised of cholesterol fats and lipid protein and are typically bilateral in nature. This means they appear on both sides of the eyelids.
Understanding Cholesterol Spots.
Why are your eyelids affected by cholesterol spots? The cholesterol is leaking out of your blood into your dermis and the soft, thin skin around your eyelids is the easiest place for it to appear. Being the weakest point, the cholesterol spot can ooze out into the soft layers of the skin through these weak areas and start to condense. When they are compounded enough, they will start to become visual as the pressure pushes them up closer to the surface of the skin and making them more visual, especially due to their common yellow appearance, causing visual contrast between your natural skin tone and the xanthelasma.
If it is any comfort for thought they will never breech the top skin layer and start to spill out, as the surface of the skin is too tough for the cholesterol to break through. Rather it will find the location of the least resistance and start to expand sideways throughout your eyelids, if need be, or once they have formed a plaque on the skin and this solidifies, so they go sideways. The best approach by far is to treat the xanthelasma with the help of Xanthel ® before the xanthelasma gets possibly out of control.
Their size differs from truly small as they begin, to about three inches, however they can happen anywhere on the body, it’s simply that the eyelid region is one of the most visual locations and hence are noticed a lot more. Although they are normally benign and can build up and become inflamed in the skin around the eyes, nose, mouth, ears and other parts of the face, they should not cause any pain, unless left to become out of control. Keeping your cholesterol levels maintained is always an asset to cholsetrol spots control as this is one of the most common xanthelasma causes.
Normally, flat and soft, cholesterol deposits have distinct edges, coloured pulp, somewhat reddish, brown or somewhat yellowish and a thick layer of cholesterol. The differentiation in colouration of the cholesterol spots is achieved due to the skin tone of your body. They one take on board the more familiar yellow appearance, as the plaque starts to solidify.
What are Cholesterol Deposits?
High cholesterol is not the only reason for cholesterol deposits, however the development of xanthoma, the top tier classification of lipid laden skin cells, xanthelasma being a sub classification of the xanthoma condition, taking on the name xanthelasma, when the eyelid area is affected, may be a sign that you have high cholesterol. Other causes of cholesterol deposits in the eye include high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problem and other heart diseases.
These conditions can lead to high levels of fat in the blood, which can lead to cholesterol deposits in the eye and the development of xanthoma in some people.
Although they are not harmful, these skin diseases must not be disregarded and needs to be analysed by your doctor. A medical diagnosis can be made by taking a look at the skin, and when a biopsy is carried out, if one is needed, it will be seen whether the xanthomas are benign fatty deposits or not.
Other Signs Associated With High Cholesterol.
One of the obvious signs of high cholesterol is the appearance of a ring in the cornea or the corneal ring on the inside of the eye. This ring, referred to as the senile arcus, takes place when more cholesterol is transferred in the cornea.
Exactly the same as why it appears in your eyelids, the cholesterol is finding the point of least resistance and is settling there. Cholesterol in the retina embolus is a serious condition and it can cause aneurysms, bleeding and if you have a stroke, when ingrained in both eyes, possible death.
Cholesterol is a fatty substance referred to as lipid and is necessary for typical body function. High cholesterol causes high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, heart problem, stroke, diabetes, cancer, kidney disease and other health problems. Your body performs an ongoing balancing act, balancing the good and bad lipid proteins.
However, it can likewise be discovered in food and it needs to be bound to proteins so that the lipids can move through the blood.
Good cholesterol is called Good cholesterol due to the fact that it transports cholesterol back to the liver from other parts of the body. It works as a mechanism for the function and healthy running of your body. Then we have bad cholesterol levels, so referred to as bad cholesterol since high LDL levels lead to plaque development in the arteries. This is commonly a factor from our over processed diets in today’s modern society.
Cholesterol Spot Removal.
The best cholesterol spot removal options are surgery and Xanthel ®, both have a great removal rate, although surgery, if not done correctly, can in many cases ensure that the plaques will return. Utilizing a modern-day professionally developed treatment, Xanthel ®, which targets the xanthelasma and helps remove them in one go, means that you will stop the return of the plaques once and for good.